Warcraft 3 vs starcraft
Warcraft 3 vs starcraft

warcraft 3 vs starcraft

War3 is the opposite, where custom maps are still hugely popular, esp in China. Custom maps are not that popular in SC2 despite it being widely available. Is there any effort in making an entirely new mode for co-op commander? I think that is a hard sell.

  • Reforged designers are balancing the game and working on revamping the campaign.
  • We know they are planning on adding skins and making some DLC, but for the most part all the visuals are outsourced so they can afford the time and resources to get that done.

    warcraft 3 vs starcraft

    It’s not known to us how much resource is dedicated to this remake and its maintenance.

  • Reforged is being made by the Classics team.
  • DLC Commanders and a ‘endless grind’ of missions is ideal for this mode.
  • SC2 has Co-op Commander mode because they have a team of designers dedicated to working on DLC content.

  • Warcraft 3 vs starcraft